
Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Sugar Cookies Decorated with Royal Icing for the First time

I wanted to do one more post; mainly because I wanted to share what the sugar cookies looked like after they were finished. I think they turned out pretty good for the first time, and everyone enjoyed them very much. So, here they are I hope you enjoy them. They were a lot of fun to make. This is my last post for 2011. Happy New Year!

Snowball Truffles

It has been a little while since my last post. It has been very busy around here. Now things are starting to calm down and I am finally able to post my Christmas sweets posts. I have two, this one is a recipe and the other one are sugar cookies that I decorated for the fisrt time and I wanted to share the results.

These are white chocolate truffles coated in powdered sugar and coconut. They are very simple but very good. So, I'm going to get right to this one. Please note that I took this recipe from my white chocolate lime truffles and left out the lime.

          What you need:
            11 ouces of white chocolate chips

            1/2 cup heavey cream

           sweetened coconut
           powdered sugar (icing sugar)

         What to do:

1. In a sauce pan bring heavy whipping cream to a boil.

2. In a heat safe bowl pour in white chocolate chips. Pour whipping cream over white chocolate and stir until smooth. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

3. Scoop the mixter and roll it into a ball, about the size of a walnut, Put truffles onto a cookie sheet lined with wax paper and put into the freezer for 15 minutes.

4. One at a time roll the truffles in either the coconut or the powdered sugar. Put into an air tight container and refrigerate. Makes about 10-12.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I know it's still a little early to be saying it, but I don't know if I will have time to write this later. I wanted to make sure that I wished you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. I also wanted to share what I am thankful for this year.

I am thankful for my family and friends, for my husband and daughter, for food. I am thankful for you, my readers.

I started writing this blog in July and I wasn't sure how well it was going to go. I had never written a blog before and I wasn't sure how well it was going to go. But I loved wirting, photography and sweets, so I wanted to give it a try.

I do have my slow days but who doesn't. There is still so much for me to learn and sometimes it is a bit overwhelming. It's slowly growing and I love it.

Thank you all for reading and supporting this blog. You all keep me going when I want to give up. I look forward to future posts and fun ideas. I have lots planned for next month, and I hope everyone is as excitied as I am.

So, that is what I am thankful for. Even though it is still a bit early have a Happy Thankgiving. Also, remember who you are thankful for and why. Have fun, be safe, and eat lots.

Monday, November 7, 2011

24 Days of Homemade Gifts- How to Introduction

Lately I've been thinking about adding some crafts to the blog. There are so many things I love and would would like to share them with you. Things like jewelry making and crocheting, and I would like to try some new crafts too.

Now, this will still mainly a dessert blog, but I wanted to add some other things too.

First, before I start adding some non-food ideas I wanted to ask all of you what you thought of the idea. Your opinions are important to me and I want to know what everyone's thoughts about this idea are.

I also wanted to do a little try out to see how it works out. I was thinking of doing a 24 day of homemade gifts; where I show easy and affordable gifts that you can make. There will be sweets and non sweets.

So, there is the idea. Let me know what you think.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Graham Cracker Balls

When I came up with this one my oven was not working. That was when I was bit by the baking bug once again. I had all kinds of ideas but I couldn't make any of them. So, I decided to try a no bake... something. I no idea what I was going to do. I had never done anything like this before.

Finally, I decided to try something with peanut butter and graham crackers. I wasn't sure how I would make them, though. Would they be cookies? Bars? Then I decided that since I wanted to try to make cake balls but was too chicken to try at the moment I would try making peanut butter graham cracker balls.

And, of course, before I could make them the oven was fixed, but I decided to go ahead and make them anyway. After all; I already had everythin on hand. Everything except the graham crackers; which ment that I had to wait until I went grocery shopping before I could get them.

So, here they are, they taste like crunchy peanut butter cups. Oh yeah, and they have a little surprise inside.


                       9 Graham Crackers

                       3/4cup Creamy Peanut Butter

                       6 oz. Dove Chocolate Discoveries Chef Series Milk Chocolate

                       Powdered Sugar

                       left over halloween candy

                  What to do:

                     1. Crumble graham crackers into a small mixing bowl.
                     2. Add peanut butter. Mix until it looks like a graham cracker pie crust. This is done best if
                         you mix it with your hands. Chill for 30 min to an hour.

                    3. Take pieces of the left over candy and wrap the peanut butter mixture around them until it
                         makes a ball, completely covering the candy. freeze for 15 min.

                    4. Melt Dove Chocolate Discoveries Chef Series Milk Chocolate in a microwave safe
                         bowl in 30 second intervals until smooth.
                    5. Coat the peanut butter balls with the Dove Chocolate Discoveries Chef Series Milk
                        Chocolate and place them on cookie sheet lined with wax paper. Dust with
                        powdered sugar. Refridgerate until set. Store in an air tight containers in the fridge.
                        Makes about 12 balls.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

This Would Happen to Me- Update

So, the oven repair guy came to check the oven yesterday, and it turned out that the igniter was broken. It didn't burn out or anything; I guess a wire in it came out and it was not fixable. He ended up replacing the part.

It didn't take very long and, to my surprise, the price wasn't too bad either.

Yay! My oven works again! I can not begin to tell you all how excited I am to have it back up and running again, and I didn't have to wait that long either. Also, it is working better than ever. The oven heats up so much faster now. I'm so excited!

So, thank you oven repair guy for saving my sanity and getting my oven up and running again. And, thank you readers for your encouraging words. I couldn't have gotten throught those two ovenless days without them.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

This Would Happen to Me

Today I have some slightly upsetting news. I thought I would share it all with you.

Yesterday evening we prepared some enchiladas for a very late dinner; as tired and as hungry as we were we still had to make dinner. While my husband was putting the enchiladas I turned the oven on to preheat it. Always preheat your oven.

While the oven was warming up, or so we thought, I got my daughter started on her bed time routine (she had eaten something else earlier).

So, my daughter is brushing her teeth when I decided to go back downstairs. That's when my husband gives me the news. The oven isn't working. Of couse my mind goes straight to the baking projects that I have thought up; not how we are going to cook our dinner.

He tried to light it, our stove is gas by the way, nothing worked. So, he decided to cook the enchildas on the grill. They turned out great, and we ate until we were stuffed. This entire time I keep trying to figure out how I'm going to bake.

After arguing with myself I have decided that I can't bake anything until it's fixed. I can, however, still make candy and try my hand at no bake cookies. I've never made no bake cookies before so that should be interesting.

So, there it is my friends. I am ovenless at the moment. I will try to keep you all updated and let you know what happens.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Birthday cupcakes

My daughter recently turned 3, so this year I decided to let her decorate her own cupcakes for her party. The cupcakes themselves were just made from a mix and the frosting was store bought as well. It was just easier do make them that way this year.

So, we went to the store and got some sprinkles and some jelly beans. When we got home I baked and frosted the cupcakes. Then I let her do whatever she wanted to do with the decorating. She had so much fun.

When I saw the finished cupcakes I just had to take a picture and share it with all of you. I was so proud of here. She did better than expected; maybe next year I will teach her how to use decorating tips. I'm not the best at it but I'm sure she would love it. So, here is the picture of  the cupcakes. I hope you enjoy it.

On to other news; I am still working on some more easy recipes and ideas. I have been a little stuck on coming up with some ideas. Wish me luck, and if you have any ideas I would love to hear them.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Breakfast Cupcakes with a Cinnamon Glaze

It seems like it has been a while since I have posted here, and for that I am sorry. The good news is that I have a recipe to post today. Yay! They are cupcakes, yum, with a cinnamon glaze. They are so good and they are the perfect thing for breakfast.

Why cupcakes and not muffins, you ask? Well, I wanted to try something different. Althought, these cupcake do not have frosting on them. I thought frosting would be too sweet for morning. That's why I topped them with a glaze instead. Theses vanilla cupcakes have pecans and raisins in them to add some fall flavors. I hope you enjoy them and try your own combonations.

What you will need:

white box cake mix
vegitable oil
egg whites
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup raisins


1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 T. milk
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

What to do:

1. Make cake mix. Following the directions on the box.

2. Add pecans and raisins. Mix well.

3.Pour mixture into cupcake liners in a muffin pan.

4.Bake cupcakes according to the instructions on the box.

5. While the cupcakes are cooling mis powdered sugar and milk together until powdered suger is desalved. Add cinnamon and mix well.

6. While the cupcakes are still warm spread the glaze over the top of the cupcakes.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hello Fall, and Hello Fall Flavors

I don't know about you, but I am ready for Fall. There are so many things to look forward to. The weather starts to get cooler, the holidays will be fast aproaching, and the flavors of fall are mouth watering.

Fall flavors are deffinatly one of the things that I look forward to when it starts to cool off. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and oranges. Those are the three ingrediants that make me think of this wonderful season. I love to smell those aromas in my home as well as in my baking. So, when I am not baking I love to use candles and scented oils to keep the scents in my home.

Okay, back to talking about food. I am very excited about the recipes that I have planned for this season and the up coming holidays. I hope you are all excited too. I have cakes, candy bark, and truffles. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Anyway, I can't wait to get baking and share these ideas with you.

The above picture is a picture of some snickerdoodles I made today. I got the recipe from a cookbook that I have had for a long time. It has so many yummy desserts in it. I hope I can share some of them with you. Hopefully, I can get started next week and share some yummy treats.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

An Idea for a Homemade Fancy Coffee

I just wanted to write a quick post for a coffee idea. It's super easy and it can open up so many possibilities.

One day, a couple of weeks ago I was tired of just coffee so I added a few things. This is just a simple idea if you want to change up your regular coffee.

No picture today, but I don't think you will need one.

What you will need:

Vanilla flavored instant coffee
 1 tsp. sugar (or less)
 whipped cream

 What to do:

1. Make the instant coffee as directed.

2. Add milk and sugar to your liking. (can alson use a none dairy creamer)

3. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.

That's it. I know it's not much, but it's good. Maybe you will be inspired to try your own coffee combination. You can also use coffee flavoring instead of the vanilla flavored coffee. I hope you like it. You could even add a piece of chocolate.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Brownies with Butterscotch Chips and a Whole Lotta Marshmallows

First, I want to apoligize for taking so long to make another post. It's been a bit busy around here. Second, I wanted to thank you all for reading my posts and liking my blog. It means so much to me. Thank you for hanging in there.

These brownies are very good, but they are also very sweet. If you don't like butterscotch or it's too sweet, you can add some peanut butter chips instead of the butterscotch chips. They might be even better than the butterscotch.

I did use a recipe off of a cocoa powder box. I'm not going to post that recipe but if you would like to know which one I used e-mail me and I'll let you know. You can use any brownie recipe you like best or if you are pressed for time a box mix will work too.

         What you will need:

           brownie recipe and ingrediants
           1 cup  butterscotch chips
           bag of mini marshmallows
           chocolate syrup (optional)

          What to do:

1. Make brownies as directed.

2. Add butterscotch chips and stir in well.

3. Bake as directed.

4. Take the brownies out of the oven and top the brownies with marshmallows. Turn off the oven and put the brownies back into the oven and close the door. Leave the door closed to keep the heat in to melt the marshmallows. About 5 to 10 minutes. Take the brownies out of the oven and cool completely. Cut into squares and plate. Drizzle with chocolate syrup.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Neapolitan Java Shake

If you love coffee as much as I do, and I love it a lot. Then this recipe is for you. It's quick and easy, with only three ingrediants. This shake is so good you might think about skipping out on the iced coffee and have one of these instead.

      What you will need:

      3 to 5 scoops of neapolitan ice cream
      1/2 cup cold coffee
      1/4 cup mini chocolate chips, plus more for to top
      whipped cream (optional)

      What to do:
 1. Scoop ice cream into a blender. Add coffee and blend.

 2. Pour into a glass and and add mini chocolate chips; mix well.

 3.  Top with whipped cream and more mini chocolate chips.

    Note: I didn't add the whipped cream because I didn't have any, but I really wanted to. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sparkling Peach Lemonade

Lately I've been thinking about summer when I was a kid. How much fun we used to have, and how things seemed to change as the years went by. They went from never ending to being too short.

One of the things that reminds me of summer as a child is lemonade. I wanted to get the feeling of never ending summer back, at least for a little while and try to make it. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture for this one, but it's really easy to make.

    What you will need:

     3/4 cup lemon juice ( about 6 lemons)
     1 peach
      1 1/2 liters sparkling water
     1 1/2 cupa of sugar; or more if needed.

    What to do:

1. Sqeeze the lemon juice into a measuring cup and pour into a pitcher.

2. Cut a peach into in half and remove the pit. Then cut the 2 pieces in half again. Romove the middle and the skin. Cut the peach into small chunks.

3. Put the peaches into the pitcher and smash them with a spoon to release the flavor of the peach.

4. Pour the sparkling water into the pitcher. Then add the sugar and mix. Add more sugar if needed. Add some lemon slices to garnish.

Friday, August 5, 2011

My Short Lived Adventure in Crepe Making

Hello, I wasn't going to post this, but for some reason I felt that I should.  I tried to make crepes yesterday, and it was scary. So scary that I didn't take pictures of them because I didn't want anyone to have nightmares after seeing them. No, they didn't burn; they just fell apart.

I started out making the batter and it ended up being too thin. But instead of starting over I decided to use it anyway, thinking that it would be less of a waste if I used the too thin batter. I coated the pan with none stick spray and poured my first scoop of batter into the hot pan. This one, unbelieveably, turned out better that I thought it would. It was still an eyes sore but it turned out. The next three, however, stuck to the pan. After that I decided to give up for the day and just make pancakes. Those were good, and they didn't look half bad either.

So, I decided to put off the crepe making for another time. When you feel like you want to throw the batter at the wall then it's time to take a break. Maybe next time I'll take more time and thought into the crepes. And I can make the crepes with berries that I was planning on making anyway.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Chocolate Cinnamon Truffles

     When I decided to make these truffles I was working on the orange cups. While I was making them  I realized that I was going to have extra ganache. So, I came up with these at the spur of the moment. They are simple to make, and a nice treat. These truffles are smooth and rich with the crucnh of sliced almonds.


     12oz. semi sweet chocolate chips
     3/4 cup heavy cream
     1/2 tsp. cinnamon
     sliced almonds


        cookie sheet
        wax or parchment paper
        small cookie scoop

     What to do:

1. Pour chocolate chips into a medium bowl. Heat heavy cream and cinnamon in a saucepan just until boiling. Pour mixture over chocolate chips and stir until smooth. Put into the fridge for 30 minutes, or until set.

2. When the ganache is set scoop some up with the cookie scoop, and with your hands, roll them into balls. Place them onto the cookie sheet lined with wax paper and freeze them for another 30 minutes.

3. Roll each truffle in the almonds until they are coated. You might have to lightly press the almonds onto the truffle to make them stick. Store in an air tight container in the fridge. This recipe should make about 15.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cinnamon Ganache Filled Orange Cups

   Before I decided to make these I wanted to make truffles. Then I thought I should change things up a bit. Don't worry more truffles are on their way. Probably quite often; I love truffles. I also thought they would make great party favors. They are petite little cups, perfect for giving away.

       Things you'll need:

     candy cup mold or paper candy cups
     a piping bag or a resealable plastic bag
     a decorator's brush


        white candy coating
         orange flavoring oil
        12 oz. semi sweet chocolate chips
        3/4 cup heavy cream
        1/2 tsp. cinnamon

      What to do:

1. Pour some white candy coating into a microwaveable bowl and microwave in 30 second intervals; stirring after each until smooth. Add about 3 drops of orange candy oil and stir well.

2. Pour a little of the mixture into the mold or paper cups. With the decorator's brush (it looks like a small artist's brush) brush the candy onto the sides of the mold. Do this until the sides are completely covered, one at a time. Put into the fridge for 30 min. or until hard.

3. While you wait for the cups to harden pour the chocolate chips into a medium size bowl. In a saucepan heat heavy cream and cinnamon just until boiling, mix well.

4. Pour the liquid over the chocolate and stir until smooth. Cover and put into the fridge for 15 minutes. You don't want the ganache to get too thick. It just needs to cool enough so that you can put it into a piping bag.

5. While you wait take out the cups and take them out of the mold or paper cups.

6. Okay, now you'll want to put some ganache into a plastic bag or piping bag and cut the tip. You don't need to use a cake decorating tip if you don't want to. You don't want to cut too much off the tip of the bag because it will just make a huge mess, chocolate everywhere. You don't want that.

7.Pipe the ganache into the cups in a swirl until they are full. Put them into the fridge for 1 hour. When the ganache is set add sprinkles and enjoy.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

White Chocolate Lime Truffles

   I love chocolate truffles, and I love making them. Truffles were the beginning of my candy making obsession. The first time I made them was for friends and family on Christmas. I made three different flavors; chocolate, orange, and raspberry. Everyone loved them and asked when I would make them again. It was the beginning of a once a year tradition.
   Every year after that I made truffles in different flavors, and everyone continued to compliment them. So, I decided to do some research and learn more about chocolate. I went from cream cheese in my truffles to ganache (a mixture of chocolate and heavy whipping cream). I do like the cream cheese recipes but I found them to be a little on the rich side. Now, whenever I can, I also try to add things like orange zest instead of the flavoring. It brings more flavor to the truffles. Although, I do like them with flavoring; sometimes you can't get a specific flavor any other way. That being said, the candy I will be making will be made both ways.
   These truffles are creamy with a nice combination of white chocolate and lime. They are a perfact treat for a late summer afternoon. So, here is the recipe. I hope you enjoy them.

     You will need:

      1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
      11 oz. white chocolate chips
      2 cups white candy coating
      zest of 2 limes
      lime green clolor sugar

      What you need to do:

        1. Pour 11 ounces of white chocolate chips into a medium sized bowl. In a saucepan heat heavy whipping cream just to boiling, and pour over white chocolate chips. Stir until smooth.
        2. Add lime zest to the mixture and stir until mixed well. Put into the fridge for 30 minutes or until set.
        3. Using a small cookie scoop or spoon scoop up some ganache and roll it into a ball, continue until the bowl is empty. Place them onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and place them in the freezer for about 15 to 30 minutes.
        4. In a bowl melt the candy coating in the microwave in 30 sec. intervals and stir after each until smooth.
       5. Coat the truffles with the candy coating until completely covered. place them back onto the cookie sheet and top with lime green sugar. Place back into the fridge for 30 minutes. Store in an air tight container in the fridge. They should last for 1 to 2 weeks.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I Have Some Great News

    Today I bought two things that are very important to me. The first thing is a small cookie scoop. Why did I buy a small cookie scoop? I bought it to make chocolate truffles, yum. I love making truffles, and now I can make them all the same size. Before, I use to shape them by hand and it took forever to get the ganache to shape into balls. Now I can shape the truffles with ease. I can't wait to make truffles.
     The second thing I bought was a stand mixer. It's not a professional greade mixer but I love it and it is just what I need. I haven't been able to make buttercream in so long I may have forgotten what it tastes like. I did try to use a hand mixer to make the buttercream frosting once, on my daughter's birthday. It turned out that the frosting was too thick for the mixer and almost burnt out the motor, and so I had to give up on making frosting. Now I can make frosting and anything else my heart desires. So, that's my big news. The doors have opened for more creative ideas and I look forward to sharing them with you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chocolate Cranberry Clusters

These clusters came to be one day because I was bored. I wanted to make something so bad but I didn't have any ideas. So, I decided to look for things in my pantry that would taste good together. I wasn't sure about one of the ingrediants at first but I think they turned out good. My daughter loved them. I know what you're thinking, and trust me they taste a lot better than they look. I hope you like them, I did.


   2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips
   1/2 cup dried cranberries
   1/2 cup chopped almonds or more if needed
   1 cup apple cinnamon cereal
   medium microwaveable bowl
   a cookie sheet
   wax or parchment paper
   a spoon


 1. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper and set aside. In the medium bowl melt the chocolate chips in 30 second intervals until melted and smooth.
  2. Add the dried cranberries and the chopped almonds and stir well.
  3. When the cranberry mixture is done add the cereal. Now, this is going to a little more time to mix. You are going to want to mix this until everything is coated in chocolate.
 4. Scoop the mixture by tablespoon and put them on the wax paper. You can also use a regular or a teaspoon for smaller clusters.
  5. Let them set until dry. About 30 minutes. This depends on how hot it is where you are. It might take a little longer. This makes about 7 big clusters.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

White Chocolate Dipped Pretzels Rods with a Cinnamon Drizzle

I originally thought about waiting to post this until valentine's day but I couldn't wait. They were so good and came out just the way I wanted. I'm not a big fan of cinnamon candy flavoring, so I wasn't sure if they would taste good. My goal was to give the pretzels a strong vanilla taste with a hint of cinnamon and I think I hit it on the mark. When I tried one I couldn't taste the cinnamon right away, but after a little while I could tell that there was cinnamon in it. Now, remember I don't like cinnamon flavoring so the amount was perfect for me but if you like a stronger cinnamon flavor then you can add more. I hope you enjoy these just as much as I did.

What you will need:
   white candy coating or white chocolate chips
   red candy coating
   cinnamon candy flavoring oil
   small spoons
   a cookie sheet
   wax or parchment paper
   pretzel rods

1. First you'll want to line a cookie sheet with wax paper so that you will have something to the drying pretzel rods on. Next, melt some white candy coating or white chocolate chips in the microwave for 30 second intervals, stirring after each time, until smooth.
2. Now, here comes fun part number one. Takea pretzel rod and coat half of it with the white chocolate and lay them gently on the cookie sheet to dry.
3. While the pretzels are drying pour some red candy coating into another bowl and melt them the same way you melted thewhite chocolate. When the red candy is melted add a few drops of cinnamon candy flavoring oil and stir well. You'll want to taste the red mixture to make sure that you are happy with the amount of cinnamon flavoring you put in. If it is too weak for you then you can add some more. Be careful when adding candy flavoring; a little really does go a long way.
4. Next, with a small spoon, ( fun part number two) drizzle the red candy over the white on the pretzels. You'll want to flick your wrist slightly back and forth while adding the red candy. Let them dry completely. I let these dry on the counter for about 15 to 30 minutes. These make great gifts and who doesn't love a candy dipped pretzel rod? Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cookies & Cream Mints

These mints are creamy with a bit of crunch. They were easy and fun to make and everyone loved them. They take almost no time at all to make. It's just a matter of melting, mixing, and pouring into molds. When I make candy this way I don't measure anything. I usually estimate how much chocolate to melt and as far as flavoring goes I'll taste it as I go. It's that easy.


                                           1 package green candy coating
                                           mint candy flavoring oil
                                           cookies and cream sprinkles

Pour the candy coating into a microwave safe bowl and melt at 30 second intervals, stirring after each time, until it is smooth. After it is melted you will want to add the flavoring a few drops at a time and mix it well. Be carefull with the flavoring because it doesn't take very much flavoring to get the taste that you want. Next, you are going to want to add the sprinkles. Just sprinkle in some and mix it then add more as needed. Then pour the mixture into candy molds and lightly tap the mold on a counter top until all the air bubbles are gone, and put them into the refrigerater until they are hard. I used a round disc candy mold but you can use whatever you like. After they are set turn the mold upside down and tap it on a table or counter and they should pop right out. It's so easy and they taste so good.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A small project while you wait.

First, I would like to apolagize for getting off on a rough start. I know that I am suppose to have a recipe and a picture up for this week already, but some things have come up and I had no choice but to wait a little longer. So, I thought that until I can get things in order I would post a little project. It's not a big one just something to get the creative juices flowing. I want everyone to find a food that you like and dip it in chocolate. Then try it. It can be milk chocolate, white chocolate, or dark. After this little expiriment post what you thought about the combination. Did you like it, or didn't you? Was it good or could it have been better? Did you absolutly love it? I would like the food that you choose to be something you have never tried with chocolate before. Remember this is just for fun and to try something new. Have fun.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Hello and welcome! This site is about my baking and candy making hobby. I will post a new recipe or idea once or twice a week. It depends on how big the project is. Anyway, thank you for stopping by and I hope you come back often for some sweet ideas.