
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hello Fall, and Hello Fall Flavors

I don't know about you, but I am ready for Fall. There are so many things to look forward to. The weather starts to get cooler, the holidays will be fast aproaching, and the flavors of fall are mouth watering.

Fall flavors are deffinatly one of the things that I look forward to when it starts to cool off. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and oranges. Those are the three ingrediants that make me think of this wonderful season. I love to smell those aromas in my home as well as in my baking. So, when I am not baking I love to use candles and scented oils to keep the scents in my home.

Okay, back to talking about food. I am very excited about the recipes that I have planned for this season and the up coming holidays. I hope you are all excited too. I have cakes, candy bark, and truffles. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Anyway, I can't wait to get baking and share these ideas with you.

The above picture is a picture of some snickerdoodles I made today. I got the recipe from a cookbook that I have had for a long time. It has so many yummy desserts in it. I hope I can share some of them with you. Hopefully, I can get started next week and share some yummy treats.


  1. Yum, these look tasty! They are my middle son's favorite treat! (He's in his forties!) LOL! I followed you on networked and google. Could you pls do the same for me? Thx! Growing Old With Grace

  2. Oh I love Snickerdoodles! The great thing about cinnamon and nutmeg is that a pinch can go a long way in many foods. It is that flavor that makes people go hmmm what is that. I add it to fish and chicken and it just gives it that little bit of spice that is different ya know? They are both wonderful scents and spices for cooking :)
