
Friday, November 30, 2012

A Little Bit About My Jewelry Making

                    I love to make jewelry. I've been doing it for a couple of years now but oly as a hobby. I used to do it many years ago in high school with those tiny seed beads. Remember those? I used to make daisy chain necklaces in my school colors. It was a lot of fun, but I got tired of working with those tiny beads and wasn't realy into the bigger beads at the time so I decided to quit.

                    Ok, now lets fast forward a bit. One year I went to a craft fair with my mom and sister and saw all the wonderful handmade items that these wonderful artists had made specially the jewelry. I wanted so badly to make something of my own. First, I got into crocheting and that took a long time to learn. You see, I taught myself, and being left handed and only finding right handed books I had to learn the hard way. I had to flip everything around so that I could understand it. That took for ever. But, of Course I still wasn't happy. I needed to learn something else.

                   I started researching how to make jewelry. I watched videos and read books. I also taught myself how to make jewelry. Which brings us to present day and now I have so many hobbies I don't know what to do with.
                  I mailny work with semi- precious gemstones and crystals. I'm going to start working with stirling silver and gold plated.  I also make stretch bracelets. The bracelet that I have here is made out of Red Agate and Citrine chips. It's a four strand stretch bracelet. Thank's for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed this post. I hope come back soon.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why I Am Making Changes

            Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing great. If you have visited my Facebook page or the blog recently you have probably noticed some changes. I've been think about making these changes for a while and have finaly decided to start making them. Have no fear, I am still going to be posting recipes and sweet treat, but I also have a love for handmade items. Some of you know how much I love to make jewelry and crocheting. I love them so much that I wanted to share them with everyone else.

          I'll be sharing jewelry pieces and other things that I have made. Hobbies that I hold dear to my heart. I also want to start holding giveaways here. There won't be very many and they will be coming exclusively from me for the most part since this blog doesn't make any money. I do want to them a couple of times a year though.

         I also want to apologize for my being gone for so long. I got burnt out and had to take a break. I am slowly making my return to blogging and hope that everyone will join me on my journey. I also hope that you like the new look of a drop of sweetness. I'm trying to get a mor professional look. It's still a work in progress and I hope everyone likes the new look. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them, please e-mail me if you do.

         My first series that I'm going to be doing is going to be called 12 Days of Handmade. Each day I'll post a new item that is handmade that would make a great Holiday gift. This series will start on Dec. 1 so keep an eye out and tell your friends. I hope that everyone enjoys the changes. Until next time make sweet treats and handmade goodness.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Kettle Corn with Melted Chocolate

This is something I threw together on Halloween. It' super easy to make and so good. I want to apologize for the picture it's a little dark but it was the only one I was able to take.

Ingredients :

One package of microwave kettle corn

Chocolate chips, about a cup


Directions :

1. Pop the popcorn and melt the chocolate.

2. Put them in a large bowl and sprinkle like crazy.

3. Mix and top with sprinkles.

It's fast and easy. Perfect if you are in a hurry to make an edible gift.